Blog posts

Kamut Egg Cheese Rolls

Profile picture for user Isand66

I needed to make some rolls for burgers and sandwiches and if you know me by now, adding cheese was a must :).  The main flour was Kamut with some KAF bread flour thrown in for good measure.  The eggs really added some nice moisture and flavor and the smoked Gouda cheese I used put them over the top.  Of course if you don't like smoked cheese (like my wife who hates it), use a more mild cheese.

Pain de Méteil

Profile picture for user Bröterich

According to the the Larousse Book of Bread. A mixture of white bread and rye flour, liquid levain (100% hydration rye sourdough starter) and dry yeast. I was quite pleased with the looks and the bread has a very pleasant taste. The rye component is clearly present but not overwhelming and a fine crust.



Finally getting consistent batards with decent bloom, good caramelization, and open crumb


After years of experimentation, I think I'm finally starting to understand how to get the results I'm looking for.

Both of these doughs were prepared similarly:

  • 586g Central Milling ABC+
  • 53g semolina (Bob's Red Mill)
  • 53g whole wheat (Giusto)
  • 53g khorasan (Central Milling)

Autolyse this mix with 582g water for about 3 hours.

Hand mix in 150g mature levain (dome not yet deflated) and then do French folds on countertop. Let hang out for 45 minutes.

Add 18g salt and do French folds. Let hang out for 30 minutes.

Sourdough with coarse cornmeal, sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Profile picture for user ifs201


I copied this recipe from Danni . Following her comments I increased the amount of cornmeal, but otherwise I pretty much followed exactly. My apartment was hot and humid (NYC summers!) so I reduced I lot of the fermentation times. 

at 7:30am I poured 220g of boiling water on 120g of coarse cornmeal and at the same time I built my levain of 33g starter, 33g rye, 66g whole wheat, and 66g cold water (my apartment was about 82 degrees). 

Sarah Owens Sweet Potato Sourdough

Profile picture for user ifs201

I just tried my first recipe from Sourdough by Sarah Owens. I used the Sweet Potato Levain recipe and doubled it, but substituted canned pumpkin for sweet potato. The recipe used 300g leaven, 680g water, 360g pumpkin puree, 20g molasses, 900g bread flour, 240g whole wheat flour, 60g rye, and 24g sea salt.


At 10pm the night before the bake I built the levain.

extraordinary bread (skins) call for extraordinary toppings

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

I already posted these creations to the C.B.  I feel these first specialty pizza pies of mine desire a blog entry also.

 This morning I whipped up a batch of my IDY pizza dough by hand, scaled for two 12- inch pies (324 Grams Ea.) The plan is for a seven-hour room temperature ferment. For these special Community bake pies, I am going way off the reservation in regards to toppings. My wife requested chicken as her topping, her pie will be chicken cordon blue pizza. My pie is going to be Italian eggplant Parmigiano pizza. Smile... This is exciting!

Apples, Almonds & Oranges

Profile picture for user Anne-Marie B

The tastiest sourdough I have ever baked. And also the most aromatic. It is one of those recipes that you bake in an enamel cast iron casserole dish and it just did not rise as much as I hoped. It had to prove in the fridge for two hours before being tipped into the hot pot, but I went swimming and it spent at least double that time in the fridge. I am not sure it that may have affected the rise. It is the best tasting bread without a doubt.

30% Sprouted Barley Sourdough


I’ve always liked the nuttiness of barley bread. It thus bothered me a bit when I couldn’t find whole barley anywhere… That’s until recently, I discovered some hull-on barley in a tiny Indian grocery store. Of course I ended up sprouting it for this week’s bake. Since the hull is inedible, it was sifted out and discarded after milling.    



30% Sprouted Barley Sourdough


Tonight's NY Style Pizza

Profile picture for user Nickisafoodie

I have been experimenting with different ways to use my home oven for pizza.  Tonight's came out really good.  I used a baking steel about 6 inches below the top of the oven, close to the middle rack.  I used 550 F setting and also used the convection setting which often adds another 25 or so equivalent heat.  I preheated the oven for one hour.