Blog posts

Sourdough Semitas de Yema

Profile picture for user ifs201

Recipe from Artisan Bryan. Warning - this recipe makes an epic amount! I got 17 120-gram buns. 

I added orange zest to the dough and cinnamon to the topping. I would definitely recommend adding orange zest to the dough as it really added a nice element. 

The recipe is a bit strange in that it instructs you to just squeeze all of the main dough ingredients until they come together. I really feel I should have kneaded the dough very well as is usually instructed in brioche style doughs, but they taste very nice. 



White Bread from WFSY with Poolish from The Bread Bakers Apprentice


I I wanted to try the White bread with poolish recipe from FWSY, but did not want to wait for the poolish to ferment overnight so I used Reinhart's poolidh recipe which had a far shorter ferment time. 



White flour 250 g

Water         267. 5 g

Instant yeast 0.675 g

Final dough

White flour  250 g

Water          125 g

Salt              10.5 g

Instant yeast 1.5 g for Almond Flour, Cashew Meal & Almond Butter, Cashew Butter in Bulk


Hi, I was going through the fresh loaf, and I realized that a lot of people on this forum are actually looking for souring bulk nuts & seeds for their bakeries, etc. 

I happen to work at Olam, which is an almond farmer & processer in California owning Hughson Nut facilities. Olam is also a processer and trader of other nuts & seeds. To cut the story short, Olam has recently started a website for US/Canadian customers selling Bulk Nuts & Seeds. 


Sourdough Marble Rye

Profile picture for user Matt H

Hey Fresh Loafers! Apparently this is my first blog post in 10 years! Wow, there have been lots of changes in the amateur artisan bread world. I haven't gone anywhere. I've been baking on and off, in the midst of a busy career and family life, but nothing I felt compelled to post apparently.

Like lots of other folks, I've been spending more time at home during the coronavirus epidemic. I'm so grateful to have a job that lets me work from home and a supportive family.

Natural help (photos in links)

Profile picture for user notre panem

These beautifully aromatic loaves were baked with the intention of incorporating flax seeds into my daily diet. This, in hopes of regulating my menses with "seed support cycling"; incorporating flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds into my diet eating the corresponding seed to my cycle progression, should iron out some issues that I've been having.