Blog posts

sourdough pan loaf chronicles

Profile picture for user Pierre-Louis

I don’t have a proper oven, In my previous blog posts I would go to my relatives to bake which is not ideal, anyway I found that using a pan loaf is a great way to bake in a “toaster oven”. You also get even slices and it’s easier to store and toast.

My pan is 19.7cm x 10.6cm x 11cm.

First I tried a 340g loaf (300g + the ~40g in the starter) It’s a cute loaf (image above) but you can fit more in there.

Loaded up for Bear!

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Hey, guys.
 What's good? I am off from work next week so, that's always good on my end!
Lets get down to brass tacks. I am pretty proud of this loaded up pie! I made the movie because it's easier. I don't think it will go on my YouTube.

cheese culture sourdough bread experiments


i only found one online mention of something similar 



but i decided to try and redo/re-approach my experiments that i tried before.

maybe a year ago, i started trying to add cheese cultures to yeast biga and let them sit a while and keep feeding it; (also, with tribasic calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2, just in case it helped)

Sandwich Bread

Profile picture for user Phoebe23bake

Had been attempting sandwich bread since before Christmas- constant fails. After lots of research and questions, finally figured out I’d been doing 2 things wrong- underkneading and overproofing. That, and the crappy yeast packets from the grocery store were the culprits. Use only Saf-Instant yeast now and couldn’t be happier. This morning, I made the honey wheat loaves from Allrecipes. I usually do 1 loaf recipes, but this had 2.

Kalamata & Green Olive levain baguettes

Profile picture for user alfanso

Yes, I've posted this before, but this is a slight mod.  2 changes from my past excursions.  This is a first time combining two distinct olives into one bread.  Okay, minor news.  More importantly, since enduring my Martin Philip Classic Baguette w/IDY marathon, I've changed out the timing on divide and shape.