Blog posts

Buckwheat, Barley, and Oats: White Flour Version

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

Did a variation on my regular recipe.  Swapped out all the WW for a mix of AP/Bread flour.  With all the non (low) gluten flours and the soaker, it's hard to keep this recipe from spreading flat when doing a free standing loaf.  This time I tried it with a round and seam side up.  I think it helped the loaf hold its shape with no score.  Spread just a bit on one side, but overall not too bad!

A pretty loaf

Profile picture for user Worthwhilebubble

I've had a lot of compliments for this pic elsewhere so I thought it may be appreciated here too. 70% hydration, 20% wholemeal. I will expand on my method if anyone is interested.

Lemon Sugar Sourdough Rolls with Yuzu Vanilla Cream Cheese Icing

Profile picture for user Benito

This recipe is an adaptation of Maurizio’s cardamon sweet roll recipe.  The dough is enriched and uses a Yudane to gelatinize some of the starches to make for a more shreddable soft crumb.  After the delicious cake I made last week using yuzu lemon I was trying to think of other ways of using lemon and yuzu and thought about sweet rolls.  So these are filled with lemon sugar and iced with a yuzu vanilla cream cheese icing.  Let’s hope this works and tastes good. 

8”x8” square pan, lined with parchment.

Total Dough Weight

100% whole stoneground red fife take five!

Profile picture for user Benito

You may know my frustration with this grain and trying to learn to bake with it at 100%.  With much advice and good helpful suggestions from many here, you know who you are so thank you, I think my fifth bake is the best so far without having seen the crumb.

Jerusalem Box Trials

Profile picture for user MichaelLily

Every month, starting January 2020, my bakery offers a subscription "Taste Tester Box" following a predetermined theme. We have three options: a bread box, a treats box, and an everything box. The everything boxes are huge and our subscribers get roughly four pounds of breads and the equivalent of 6 of our quarter pound+ almond croissants. Each month features two or three different breads and three different treats.

Sourdough..Just when you think you are good at it!



These two loaves were made from the same batch.  The boule did not rise as much and had a dense crumb.  The Batard had a fantastic rise, nice open (maybe too open) crumb.  The internal structure was very weak.  

King Arthur All Purpose Flour 73% Hydration

5.5 hours bulk fermentation time

Dough temp throughout 79 degrees

Shaping technique maybe a little too aggressive on the boule?

Any ideas, suggestions would be welcome.  :)



My first rye sourdough

Profile picture for user ciabatta

Finally got myself to do a rye bread. I didn’t grow up eating much rye bread and don’t understand it well. To me, it has a bad reputation of being a dense bread. But I do know that there can be a lot of flavor and nutritional value. 

my first attempt at it is only about 25% coarse dark rye (Bob’s Red Mill)  I think it turned out great!  Will up the rye content in the next version. 

Sesame Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

I wanted to try baking a 100% (or close to 100%) white flour only hearth loaf as I don’t think I’ve done this before.  It isn’t perfect, the scoring was off center in a way that altered the ultimate bloom and shape of the loaf.  Despite the great blisters, I wonder if I allowed sufficient fermentation.  I had to cut final bench proof short because of life getting in the way of baking LOL.

100% Spelt, bake 2

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

I used the same recipe as last time (see blog with details here), but used DanAyo's procedure for baking artisan bread in a loaf pan (his helpful thread is here). 

A "Cliff's Notes" version of what I did, beginning last night (started levain build before bed) thru today: