Blog posts

Panettone Classico - Based on Christopher Louie's Recipe


Hi all, new to posting here but have often scoured this site for good information. I've been working on making a good panettone for years now and am finally getting good results and finding consistency so I thought I'd share. I follow the traditional process, using a lievto madre, 3 short refreshments during the day before mixing the first dough at night and then I mix the second dough the next morning. 48 hours or so from start to the first slice. 

No Knead Bread



My husband wanted "Carraba's" bread, so I made some No-Knead Bread based on Jim Lahey's. This bread is about 90% hydration, I think it's easier to work with than the lower ones since I can feel when the dough needs to rest better (it's dramatically different).

  No Knead Bread

White Sandwich Loaf with a Barley Mash

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

Had planned to try a white sandwich loaf with 10% barley flour today, but my copy of Rheinhart's "Whole Grain Breads" arrived yesterday.  Skimming through it and his section on mashes caught my eye.  What could make better mash than barley?  :-)

First try using Emmer flour

Profile picture for user leslieruf

This is just a simple 1:2:3 bread with 30% of the flour being organic stoneground Australian Emmer flour.

Levain:  Thursday afternoon first refresh.  20 g refrigerated starter + 20 g water + 20 g bread flour

Thursday evening before bed 50 g first build + 50 g water + 50 g flour. leave over night on bench, room temperature dropped to about 19°C.  

Friday about 9 am refrigerated as I had to go out.

Friday midday remove levain from fridge

12:15 pm autolyse 113 g Emmer flour + 262 g bread flour + 250 g water

All purpose SD with spelt and inclusions

Profile picture for user Kistida

I'm not a fan of very tangy/acidic sourdough bread, that's why I normally don't proof my loaf for extended periods in the fridge. The only time an overnight loaf didn't taste very sour was when I used a stiff starter and there were cinnamon sugar and raisins in the loaf.