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Apple Sourdough

Profile picture for user Carlo_Panadero

Apple Sourdough from Slow Dough Book by Chris Young

Few ingredients were adjusted 


40g Rye

80g Spelt

280g strong bread flour

70g Starter(100% Hydration)

320g Water

9g Salt

3g Ground Mixed Spice

3g Cinnamon Powder/Ginger/Nutmet(recipe calls for pumpkin spice)

180g Sliced(Cubes) Green Apple - Was baked @ 180°C for 15 minutes




This is my first attempt at baking Hamelman’s bagels. Dough made and shaped the night before, then refrigerated overnight, then boiled and baked early this morning. I also tested my DIY bagel boards. Hand-mixed, kneaded and shaped. The final shaping was to join the ends to seal the ring, however, my arthritic hands wouldn’t quite manage, but generally very pleased with the results. Tasted very nice and slightly chewy. Cream cheese at the ready!

Miso Nori Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

Miso nori sourdough 77% hydration 20% whole red fife.  For this bake I really pushed fermentation using the aliquot jar I shaped at a 60% rise then ended final proof at 110%. A quick 20 minutes in the freezer while the oven preheated and baked. One mistake I made was that I forgot to turn the oven down to 450ºF after I loaded the dough. I didn’t catch my mistake until 12 mins into baking. Now the miso already makes the crust darker but some amount of the colour is also that high bake temperature.

Water Roux honey wheat bread for bread machine


I’ve been making this recipe from your website for over 6 months and I searched to be able to review it!  This is an excellent bread.  I like using the roux method. The end result is a moist bread without crumbs.   I set my bread machine for the dough cycle, then form it and bake it in the oven.  I use my microwave as a proofing oven, heating one pint of water, then placing the formed and covered bread in its pan next to the hot water.  After 30 minutes, I heat the oven and by the time the oven is ready, the bread is ready to be baked.

50% Wholemeal Spelt with Caputo Manitoba Ora

Profile picture for user yozzause
Baked another 50% Wholemeal Spelt this time without the Porter and a very small amount of fresh Yeast just 1/4 of a 1% 1.5g to be exact. Got things under way at 10.30am with 216g of W/M Spelt and all the water 301g plus fore mentioned 1.5g fresh yeast brought it together and set aside for 4 hours then added the 215g of Caputo Manitoba Ora white flour and 8.6g of Saunders liquid Malt mixed this on the bench by hand for 15 minutes and then allowed 15 minutes rest before adding the butter 8.6g and salt 8.6g and working it into the dough and then setting aside in a covered bowl to bulk Ferment.

WW Baguettes w/75% mixed flour hydr. Levain

Profile picture for user alfanso

I'm infrequently in the habit of reposting breads from the past without a change of something or other.  However I can't seem to find any prior reference of mine on TFL of having posted this one here before.

The background: My initial levain, true and trusted friend all these years, was this 75% mixed flour affair, and from that grandpa sprouted all subsequents.  These past two years I seem to always bake with the 100% hydration AP levain, and occasionally work some other levain requirement off that.  

47th bake. 05/11/2021. 90% SGWW durum. Ugly but tastes great.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

May 11, 2021.

This is a bread-machine bake.

405 g Patel brand stone-ground WW durum.

45 g Arrowhead Mills organic AP.

8.5 g of salt.

350 g bottled spring water.

Mixed by hand in a bowl, and let soak 3 hours in fridge.

Slowly kneaded in, by hand, 1 tsp instant dry yeast.

Put in bread machine on Whole Wheat setting.

Dribbled in 19 g more water.

Used a silicone scraper to help the dough along.