The Roadside Pie King's blog

Brooklyn syle pizza pie

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

After a couple of really good attempts to recreate a Brooklyn style pizza, I had a couple of disasters. Trying to slide a 16" dough disk onto a 16" steel proved to need more precision than I could muster.  I was ready to quit, when my wife reminded me how good the pies were before I got the steel. On her advice I combined the two methods. Pizza screen on the steel.

Mixed whole grain Bread.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Time to bake the bread: Experamental formula development.
Three whole grain Bread. Using very little packaged yeast.
Farmer ground half bread flour - 250 grams ( high-extraction flour ( T85))
Spelt flour - 100 grams
Rye flour - 100 grams...
Whole wheat four (White) - 100 grams
Hydration - 52.7 %
yeast total 3/4 teaspoon
Salt - 12 grams
Water 290 grams
1. 24 hour + at room temp. Sour Biga
2. Water roux
3. long bulk ferment.