Busy Night

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King
Busy night/morning.First, I am drying some of my sour culture for future generations to enjoy. Not quite dry yet coming along nicely. Next we have overnight batter, sourdough, 100% whole grain waffles. (Whole wheat, spelt and rye) with no added sugar. You can not buy these for any price! Light as air and the whole grains give a natural sweetness! Still to come sourdough English muffin dough is fermenting as we speak! Last but not least, the main attraction,Whole grain Oat porridge bread. The bread has been cold fermenting since 9PM last night, set for a 9PM bake tonight! Image may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: table, food and indoor Image may contain: food Image may contain: food and indoor Image may contain: food Image may contain: food

And it all looks good.. I love the look of your oat bread dough! Care to share the waffle recipe? Thanks..

I didn't get much oven spring this time on the bread. Happy with all but the English muffins, They turned out to small and burned. Here is the waffle recipe I used. It made very light and tastey waffles.


In reply to by The Roadside P…

I'll give them a try next time I have some spelt flour! Thanks