The Roadside Pie King's blog

Extra fancy Durum wheat pan de Cristal

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

The formula:

General Mills extra fancy Durum wheat 500g - 100%

Water                                                            520g - 104%

Instant yeast.                                               2.5g  -    .5%

Parigina - Neopolatan stuffed pizza

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King


La Parigina. Neapolitan stuffed pizza.


What is special about Parmigina? Pizza dough on the bottom puff pastry on top. 

Everything is on point. I just need to fill the canolii. I even got the kitchen back in order. Thank the Lord, for dishwashers!

Jewish Sour Rye

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Hello, friends.

My new rye sour is taking to the rye flour like a horse to water in the desert! This means a "New York" Jewish Sour Rye bake no later than tomorrow. The formula I selected comes after a visit to my Pisani  (Villager) Island 66 blog page. From there I was directed right back here. I landed at everybody's friend, and a fine baker David Snyder's blog. 

For this exercise (performance) I will attempt David Snyder's, Jewish Sour Rye. Which is based on Greenstein's formula. Boy that was a lot of acknowledgements! 


Pizza Caprese Fresca.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Today's bake consists of two separate and distinct phases.


Phase #1 - The Mozzarella

Phase #2 The bake

Phase one is fresh mozzarella. This formula is 80% the ingredients going in. The other 20% boils down to (pun unintended) experience pulling/shaping the balls. My end game needs practice. Very pleased with my first crack at this!


Sicilian Pizza pie on horseback. Featuring Caciocavallo cheese

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

launchpad pre-bake-off systems (ingredient) check off.


Faiccos Italian specialties (Bleecker street Greenwich Village) homemade sweet & hot Sopresatta

Imported sharp Provolone

Imported Sicilian Caciocavallo

No name low moisture mozzarella, I saw some sandwich-ready slices of the mozzarella on the counter. I asked, Boars head? He replied, no. I asked for a pound. He came out with an unmarked loaf about 2/3 the size of a Grande loaf of whole milk. Don't you know, with my big mouth was embarrassed to ask the brand! Grrr.