Pizza Three Firsts


First pizza of the season

First time using whole wheat pizza flour. Never used the flour before and decided to mix it with 33% strong white flour. Next I'll go 100% WW.

First time kneading with Famag Grilletta IM 5S

2/3 WW pizza flour, 1/3 strong white flour, 30% LM, 80% overall hydration, overnight fermentation in the fridge

Curly kale pesto (curly kale, roasted cashews and sunflower seeds, salt, pepper, a touch of garlic, olive oil, water), mozzarella, bacon, oregano.


beautiful crust!

I love cashews, second to pistachio! Creamy and sweet

I found the flour interesting. Looking at the crumb, seems like high extraction flour. I wonder if atta flour would behave anything close to that


Thanks Jay! The color of the flour is like any other WW flour. The difference is the W value (280) and probably the P/L value (which I don't know). The pretty light crumb color is because of the light  (lunch time, finally a very sunny day) and partially my post processing.

The pizza looks delicious. What did you cook it in? I'm guessing a pizza oven due to the much desired leoparding on the crust. Very nice result.


Thanks Gavin. I have an Ooni Koda 16. I always cook pizza in the Koda. Never managed to cook a decent Neapolitan pizza in the home oven at 250C. Always too dry.

Thanks Michael

Indeed, the dough consistency was pretty the same like white pizza flour. I was positive surprised. Looks like the miller did a pretty good job.

Beautiful result! This just about convinces me to buy an Ooni. I have an Anova Precision Oven that I bake New York style pizza in (has to have some olive oil in it), but would really prefer to get your kind of crust!

I have never regretted this purchase ;) The only downside: you have to bake the pizza outside. And at least my model (gas) needs a bit of gas (25-30min on highest flame) until it reaches 400-450C. Never tried if it reaches 400C when the outside temperature is below 10-15C. Ooni has now a few multi-fuel models (wood and gas) and a door. Maybe with wood you get faster higher temperatures. Gas is for me just much more convenient.

Interesting. At the time I bought mine they didn't have so many models. Or at least I was not aware of. When it comes to electric pizza ovens there is also Effeuno, which has also pretty good reviews and I think it costs less than Ooni.

It only came out last year.  I have the same model as you.  I was just saying to myself I need to take mine out of the garage and start making pizza.  I will be interested to hear how you like a 100% whole wheat pizza.  I mill most of my own flour now but I do like to use Caputo 00 for pizza.  I have yet to try using FMF for the main flour in pizza.  Will definitely be trying it this spring/summer.  I just need to finish my weight loss first :).

I was looking at the wood/charcoal one, pretty large. They say you can also bake bread in it, now I’m really interested! Has anyone baked loaves in an Ooni?

Mine is pretty sure not suitable for bread. Tried once ciabatta and I burned it pretty badly. Too much heat in the back, not enough in the front. You have to rotate it all the time like a pizza. Temp. control is also not so easy. Imo an oven for bread should be also higher than the Ooni Koda 16. Maybe other models are high enough and have a better temp. control for bread.


Looks great. I have a Koda 16 as well. It's been great. Have had it for years now and it's still going strong.