Anne-Marie B's blog
Orange Infused Wholewheat Sourdough

A Challah style loaf containing 2 eggs, 2 egg yolks and 50g butter. I separated some of my rye starter and refreshed it with orange juice. Then added 2 tablespoons of orange zest to the dough. Left to rise overnight in the fridge again. A nice loaf - fine crumb and great aroma.

A fine loaf.
I based it on a recipe that I found online that was based on a recipe from Dan Lepard and Richard Whittington 'Exceptional Breads'. It took a while for the orange juice starter to get going so it sat on the counter for most of the week. But it got there. Makes the best toast.
Almond Spelt Sourdough

A very tasty combination. I ground my own almond meal and added coarsely chopped almonds before the second rise. The second rise was everything I could ask for, but due to unforseen circumstances she was left out too long and had flopped back by the time she went into the oven. So it ended up too thick for a pancake and a bit too flat to be a bread. But this bread tastes so good that I will definitely mark it as a favourite and take more care with the timing in future.
Rye & Raisin Delight

Sounds like ice cream, but nicer. Full of fruit and 100% rye it does not rise a lot, but it is a really tasty little loaf. A different method from my usual. I opted for sultanas and used a different rye flour too, so it was not as dark as the previous loaves I made. Really good with cheddar, blue cheese or just butter.
Reliable, Rewarding Sourdough

A really crazy, busy week. I fed the starter, but did not get round to making the dough until the next evening. There was no time to make the loaf, so the dough sat in the fridge for another night and day. The next evening I took it out, briefly kneaded it and formed a loaf. Back in the fridge overnight. She did not look impressive by the next morning. I was in a rush and left the oven on too high a temperature. She burst out of her skin, and rewarded my neglect with a really tasty loaf with a great crumb. Thank you sourdough!
Toasted Black Sesame Sourdough

I've had my eye on this one for a while and finally got round to it this weekend. A savoury loaf made with Spelt and Semolina. The sesame flavour is strong, but not overpowering. The dough was soft but after umpteen folds, I thought it looked strong enough. I let the boule rise overnight in the fridge again and it looked a bit flat by the morning. But once it was in the oven, it came into its own. It makes a great sandwich with smoked black forest ham and a sharp aged cheese.
Apple Bread Roses

Weekend brekky on the beach with a frothy coffee.
Notes and the recipe.
I found the recipe here -
The things I have changed:
1. I did not roll out the dough, it did not really work for me, so I kneaded the dough again and proceeded as follows:
Just rolled by hand into a short, fat sausage and cut of pieces that I rolled into smaller sausages. It was easier and quicker to make the roses like this.