Technical ?: Accessing Blogs and Download of Photos


Question #1-Could someone please explain how to access the Blogs. Yes, I know the Icon on the top of the page and then when I go to blogs there are numbers of pages at the bottom...1,2,3,4,... but is there a subject or author index of Blogs and recent entries?  The recent blog entries on the front page lower left does not list one by bwraith and we correspond regularly.  Is the only way to access blogs is to go page1, page 2, page3....

Question #2-The photos in all the sections of TFL often don't download in their entirety or at all.  Example: the photos for Floyd's blog on Scoring only come in partially.  The advtg. photos Always come in just fine.  Is my problem that I am using dialup and not FIOS, etc.? Sometimes if I right click on a pic and pull down to Properties I can reenter the URL and get a photo that way but often not.  I don't have problems with photos on other websites and was wondering if there is a work around for this.


1) No, there isn't a subject or author index. The URL for a poster's blog is always blog/username, so bwraith's blog lives at /blog/bwraith. 2) I suspect you are correct that the problem is that you are on dial up.

I posted something here that might help.

I didn't think to add the information that I'm on dialup too. It's all we can get where I live.  My Java Script error warning only appeared on IE, but both Mozilla and IE had the same problem. It seems to be working OK  now since I changed the comment options to ten per page. Sometimes I would see the top half inch of a picture and sometimes I couldn't see a picture at all,  just white space.  I haven't noticed that happening since changing the setting.