fun day at work

Profile picture for user yozzause

Recent visit by Harmony primary  school to the  technical college where I work . Children involved  in a program FROM THE GARDEN TO THE TABLE, Garden produce was bought in and menu's  compiled by the school children were tweaked and produced for lunch for parents invited guests including the mayor and food critic from the local paper in our commercial kitchen with the help of our students and chefs.

A hearty garden soup, vietnamese spring rolls, salmon and salad.and a mini trio of sweets, (all very tasty) 

I was able to assist in the bakery where the bread rolls were made for the luncheon and we had a go at making the little pink piggies which was a sweet dough.

Primary students showed some very good hand skills and took to the task like ducks to water.

a great time was had by all 

Profile picture for user eva_stockholm

Thank you for sharing this great story. Sounds like a fun project, and the kids sure look happy. It is always a good thing when kids learn how to make real food from scratch.

And those pink piggies are simply adorable! The fat one in front is my favourite!

happy baking!


And what a great program. Thank you for sharing :-)

Very, very cute! Would you be able to share the recipe for these if you get a chance? I would love to make these with my kiddos too :-)

Well done and super cute.

Hi inlovewbread

The dough was a sweet dough i made it an instant dough with the addition of a bread improver as the children were only with us for  a short while, i did do some piggies with pictures with another dough see my blog

2 kgs flour 2000g =100%

salt 20g =1%

sugar 320g =16%

butter 160g =8%

bread improver 10g = -5%

full cream milk powder 50g = 2-5%

yeast (dried) 70g + 3.5%

water 1000ml = 50%

food colouring added for fun  piggies scaled off at about 50g

with this dough i have put in the percentages so that you can scale down  to suit yours needs regards Yozza