I am making some FarmStyle White Bread and the recipe calls for 10 cardamom pods. I am going to use ground cardamom instead but I have no idea how much to use. The recipe makes (4) 9 x 5 loaves. ANy ideas on how much ground I should use?
Thanks for the conversion! I ended up using 1-1/2" teaspoons. The bread looks good but I am a bit nervous about how it will taste. I've never used cardemom. I made 2 loaves and they will be the family sandwich stock for the week...I have a 2 and 4 year old, I am not sure this will work with PB&J! I made French Country White loaves with Cardemom.
Can cardemom bread be used for sandwiches or do I have a lot of taost to eat over the next week?
Well, the bread texture is the best I've ever had but the cardamom was probably not the best idea. I never used it before but it seems like the wrong ingredient for sandwich bread! It tastes okay toasted with some cinnamon sugar on it. I will probably try to force down a few sandwiches this week but think I may have to stop of to pick up a sandwich loaf for the wife and kids.
I think cardamom would work fine with PB&J's. Let the kids try it for themselves before you give up---they may surprise you :-)
It might work well with chicken salad too, or ham. If you're not that crazy about it for sandwiches, you could always save it for french toast on the weekend, plain, or stuffed with something fruity. I think it would be good for that. Or bread pudding. Apple season is finally here---how about an apple betty?
The book says that cardamom is good with pork, and it combines well with cumin and coriander, if that gives you any more ideas.
Keep an open mind and the perfect use will come to you :-) -dw
As you have probably realized, Cardamom is primarily used for desserts or sweeter foods, although I do have some Middle Eastern recipes that call for a few of the pods with chicken and rice. I think the best idea is to save that loaf for French toast this weekend!! Make another loaf using the recipe you used for this loaf but just leave out the Cardamom!! Good Luck!!
From Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs:
10 pods then, would make about a generous teaspoon.
Happy Baking :-)
Thanks for the conversion! I ended up using 1-1/2" teaspoons. The bread looks good but I am a bit nervous about how it will taste. I've never used cardemom. I made 2 loaves and they will be the family sandwich stock for the week...I have a 2 and 4 year old, I am not sure this will work with PB&J! I made French Country White loaves with Cardemom.
Can cardemom bread be used for sandwiches or do I have a lot of taost to eat over the next week?
Well, the bread texture is the best I've ever had but the cardamom was probably not the best idea. I never used it before but it seems like the wrong ingredient for sandwich bread! It tastes okay toasted with some cinnamon sugar on it. I will probably try to force down a few sandwiches this week but think I may have to stop of to pick up a sandwich loaf for the wife and kids.
I think cardamom would work fine with PB&J's. Let the kids try it for themselves before you give up---they may surprise you :-)
It might work well with chicken salad too, or ham. If you're not that crazy about it for sandwiches, you could always save it for french toast on the weekend, plain, or stuffed with something fruity. I think it would be good for that. Or bread pudding. Apple season is finally here---how about an apple betty?
The book says that cardamom is good with pork, and it combines well with cumin and coriander, if that gives you any more ideas.
Keep an open mind and the perfect use will come to you :-)
As you have probably realized, Cardamom is primarily used for desserts or sweeter foods, although I do have some Middle Eastern recipes that call for a few of the pods with chicken and rice. I think the best idea is to save that loaf for French toast this weekend!! Make another loaf using the recipe you used for this loaf but just leave out the Cardamom!!
Good Luck!!