a blessed event


At this time i wish to anouance a new arivel'

at  24 inches and 30 pounds healthy with all attachments my family has grown by one more but instade of another mouth to fead this mouth will feed us

i new proline 6 QT KA mixer just in time for my holaday baking and if any of you remember last years baking


this will i hope make things easer by handleing biger batches of cookies and the wider bowl type.

the holidays are right around the corner so it is getting close for my yearly comming out of retirment.

Congratulations on the new 30 pound baby. 

I just had a nice long look at your last year's baking and it is all beautiful! Too bad I am not near enough to drop in.  How nice to have a hubby who bakes ...and bakes and bakes...:))  Seeing all your beautiful goodies reminds me of the little daughter of a cousin. Back in the 1950s, the dad ran a restaurant and the mother was a nurse. While the mother was off work on maternity leave, the child said, "Now that Mama stays home, she's learning to bake *almost* as well as Daddy."

Do you have any idea how the ProLine compares with the Epicurean model?  I don't know how long the Epicurean was made, but it holds 6 quarts and is 475 watts. That's what I have and I hope I got a strong enough one. I think the Pro line might be a higher wattage. 



i never ran a rest. but i whent to work every day at 1 or 2 in the morning and baked and baked and baked was a pro for many years to many to count  head baker chieif of operations plant director reasearch and development of new products and so on. 

now ret. i have been doing this at home for the holidays for also many years this year will be no different

Loved your comment about the new mouth feeding you, instead of vice versa!

That's a gorgeous mixer, Norm.  Are the gears metal?  Hmmm....I've been mixing bagels with my faithful KA Artisan, but only in segments of three minutes of mixing time so I can let the motor cool down.
