bakers %


My goal sd pizza dough at 65-70% hyd.

started with 100g of active fed  sd starter at 100%

mix 100 starer add 100g water and 150g  of ap flour. Done.65-70%?

I will let the above rise overnight and tomorrow my plan is to;mix 250g above,250g water and 325g of flour,

let rise and make pizza.

Something does not seem right.  Thanks fo any help. Patrick





















Your total H2O is 400g

Your total flour is 525g

400/525 x 100 = 76%, way to wet for pizza dough!

Add 400g flour instead of 325g

Then: total flour is 600g total; H2O remains 400g

400/600 x 100 =67%

David G

when i make pizza, it's almost always at 75% hydration, 2% salt and a very small amount of yeast ... normally around 0.5% fresh yeast and 0.25% a/d or instant. the keys are (a) kneading the dough well to make sure that the gluten is very well established, (b) dividing the dough immediately (i generally put the portions into a lightly oiled plastic bag if i'm not going to use the dough same day, and (c) a long, slow cold ferment -- 12 hours at least -- to really bring out the flavor of the flour and let the gluten strengthen even further via autolysis. i bake at 550 (my oven's max) on a very well preheated stone for usually around 5-6 minutes. my pizza doughs end up very extensible, making for thinner crusts and a wide open crumb on the rim. the slack dough is a bit more challenging to work with, but produces exceptional pizza, especially when i use 00 flour. stan ginsberg (aka nybakers)

for the input. As stated above dough was a bit wet for my liking. I did a couple stretch and folds and will add a bit of flour while forming after final rise, It is almost always edible but still not purfect yet. Thanks again Patrick