I used most of my rye starter the other day. As I often do, I left it on the counter and forgot about it. When I looked at it, it was so sad. Scummy stuff on top. Yuk. I put as much as I could into another container and put 50/50+ flour/water (remember I'm at over 6K altitude). Cross your fingers that I can revive it.
First let me say I've enjoyed reading all you posts! I was watching a short video over at Breadtopia yesterday. It was on maintaining starter. He had starters in 3 different stages and one was in very sad condition. He said they're pretty hardy and he was able to bring the sad one back to normal. Good luck!
Last time I left my starter out like that, it didn't dry out like this. But, then, it wasn't rye, either. I'll just continue to feed it and see what happens.
Thanks for your support.