Question about types of flour


I have three types of flour in my kitchen: all purpose, bread flour, and [recently] high gluten. I've not used the high gluten before, but at a price of five dollars for 50 pounds I couldn't resist! I am curious to know if anyone has baked the same bread recipe using the three different types of flour and, if so, how did the breads differ? I think all three recipes would have to be baked at the same time for an accurate comparison.


Hi Serifm,

It's funny that you ask this today, as yesterday I just started using high gluten flour, and even made a post about it:

Although I have not yet done a side by side comparison, I am following the same general formula that I have been using for a while for sourdough.  At 65% hydration, the high gluten flour was way less sticky, and my dough was developed after only a few turns, versus my other bread flour (Mello Judith) never quite developing, and staying sticky after many hours and many turns, french folds, or kneading.

I made my dough last night, and immediately shaped it.  This morning I noticed that I had almost no rise, which was a bit suprising to me.  I'm guessing that because the gluten is so much move developed and stronger, it is harder for the gas that the yeast creates to actually puff out the dough.  This morning I put one of my rising bowls outside in the hot weather, and kept another inside.  I will be back to check on them in a few hours, and will let you know what happens.

Eventaully I am looking to have a high gluten and a low gluten flour, and I imagine I will be creating my own blends depending on what type of bread I am looking to make.

Hope this helps.

Danny - Sour Flour

I haven't used high gluten flour, but I have done side by side comparisons using AP flour and bread flour.  While I must admit that the texture of the bread using bread flour is superior to the AP flour, it isn't significant enough to prevent me from using AP flour for artisan breads.  In fact, I've found that a properly handled dough using AP flour produces a result that is superior to one where bread flour was used but not handled quite as carefully.

I have experimented with high gluten flour some and I don't like it for conventional bread - too tough. But it does make really great bagels! That's the only thing I use it for now!
