I had the very big pleasure of spending the last two weeks in a tiny village on the coast of greece, south and east of Kalamata.
The primary bread at the local grocery store, and every taberna we visited, was the same simple loaf. Oval or torpedo shaped, it had a moderate to fine crumb with white-bread taste (although quite yellow inside) and sesame seeds all over the top. It did not taste overly milky or egg-y, but more like a loaf with quite basic ingredients.
My kids (and I) really enjoyed this bread. Does anyone know the name of the bread or have a recipe?
Hi MommaT, in a book called "Bread, the breads of the world and how to bake them at home" there is a Greek bread called Daktyla, but its main characteristic is the "liberal addition of nigella seeds in the bread itself". You didn't mention seeds in the crumb and indeed they don't show in the photograph. Then there is a comment that there are a rich variety of white breads in Greece, often sprinkled with sesame seeds. As they don't give a recipe for Daktyla this isn't terribly helpful. However, from your description it sounds very much like the Scali bread several members have baked lately. It has a fine soft crumb and although braided it could probably be baked in any shape, A.
Indeed it looked a bit like Scali bread (aside from the shaping), but had this yellow inside, which was different from the other 'country bread' looking breads that did not have sesame on top. (the yellowish flour described in the next post's link may explain that.
Will experiment and report back!
Hi, Momma T.
I'm betting that the bread you had was "Tsoureki," also known as "Churek" or "Cörek." This is an egg bread, which would account for the yellow color of the crumb, and is generally coated with sesame seeds. It is made in a variety of shapes - rounds, coiled or braided.
There are recipes for this bread in "A Blessing of Bread" by Maggie Glezer and in "The Cookbook of the Jews of Greece" by Nicholas Stavroulakis.
My second choice would be "Pan de Horaiki," but the recipes I've seen for it don't have the sesame seed coating. In this case, the yellow color probably comes from the use of durum flour.
If you have more questions, I can check with my Greek daughter-in-law. Her father's family comes from the Peloponnese, so she may well know exactly what the daily bread of the Kalamata area is. (She also knows Nicholas Stavroulakis quite well.)
Hi, MommaT.
I sent my daughter-in-law a copy of your original post. Here is here response:
Hi, MommaT.
More info from Stephanie ...
I hope this helps.