Peter Reinharts 100% Rye

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Shakleford for sharing your ideas with me back on May 8th. The bowl idea. the plastic bag proofing idea etc. The only thing I didnt do was score my loaf and it got a beautiful "crackle" look to it, as I call it. I froze it and then took it with me on my yearly trip to Woodstock New York with my daughter.Its a hippie thing you see.Anyway the bread was wonderful. I dont mean to toot my own horn but when I looked at the local Artisans' brakery menu they didnt even have a 100% rye I could try to compare with. I guess I can understand why they wouldnt try this on a regular menu but I was hoping. Guess just being happy with my own loaf is enough. 100% RYE TRUELY A LABOR OF LOVE! Thanks again Shakleford. Elaine.

That's great news - I've been wondering if you'd had better luck and am glad to hear that everything turned out so well.  Hmm, I think I'm going to have to make another batch of that this weekend... :-)

By the way, the last time I found a 100% rye loaf on a bakery menu I tried to order it and they told me that they didn't make it anymore.  Oh well.