Storing Potato Water


I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but I just came up with a great storage method for potato water and wanted to share.   When you boil potatoes, save the water and put it in the fridge.  Once it's cool, I pour it into ice cube trays!  Then it's divided into nice 3/4-1 oz. pieces that'll keep for pretty much forever in a freezer bag.  I was inspired by Alton Brown's similar method of storing egg whites.

If I don't use it within 6 hours, it gets refrigerated.  If I don't use it within 24 hours it gets pitched.  I would never freeze it unless I would use the icecubes soon after to cool down the dough, say in summer.   It looses it quality quickly so best used quickly.    

An update on this: I used the potato water for the first time yesterday, and it worked out!  The bread tasted normal and the crumb was very tender.

Also, I was reading Peter Reinhart's WGB and noticed that he suggests refrigerating potato water for up to 5 days, or freezing it for months.

Is the potato water salted? And if so, how do you know how much to adjust the salt content of the dough?
