Easy SD


I've just begun another trial, this time its the method whereby two weeks worth of dough is autolysed then mixed only briefly then placed in the fridge.  A lump is cut off for rising and baking each day.  The method requires a slack dough.


I mixed 5 kgs bakers flour, 3.3 kgs water, 100gms salt and 250 gms SD sponge starter.  Mixed only till roughly hydrated, autolysed 30 mins then only kneaded the very slack dough for 5 mins.  Placed into a plastic pail and into the fridge.  Will make the first loaf tomorrow.  I guess tomorrow I will warm the lump to room temp for a couple of hours, then rise, fold, rise, fold then final rise and bake.  Sound ok ?

Anyone tried this method ?  Any problems with it ? Thanks in advance.


This sounds like the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day method, except you are using starter instead of yeast, which I have made that way a few times with their method.


I made the Aartisan bread in 5 minutes a day, too. Sounds just like your recipe...and it was DELICIOUS!!!! And also fun to have the bread to make again another day. That way you can maker smaller loves and not have to worry about a larger loaf getting to hard to eat!