I think my wheat starter was ready...it doubled in size. Quicky I might add when I had something in the oven (it was sitting on the stove). When I stirred it, it fell. I thought I did something wrong and kept feeding it. Haven't had the same results since, nor have I had similar results with my white starter. I am so frustrated.
It sounds like it's working, whole wheat doesn't seem to hold the bubbles as well when stired, like white flour will.
Maybe i'm jumping ahead to much, did it rise again after you fed it?
I didn't feed it any more. It just kept growing ;-D
I mixed flour, salt, and more water to it and am waiting about an hour so I can do Jim's slap and fold. Wish me luck.
The starter is supposed to fall when it is stirred. If it has risen to it's prime it will fall quite a lot. If you are having trouble with your starters not rising enough you probably aren't feeding properly or feeding enough. Are you dumping out most of the old starter before feeding new food?
How is your dough doing that you mixed up with the starter? Hope your bread turns out well!
Yes, I'm dumping most of it before feeding it.
I posted a reply to your other post about my dough. Cross your fingers.