Ultra high hydration, par-baked formula

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Lunch time - Brooklyn Sicilian.

9 X14 par-baked, pan fried. High hydration formula (100%). Stanaslus whole & ground tomato base sauce. Boars head deli sliced mozzarella.




Profile picture for user Isand66

Would you share  your formula  and  procedure?  I have multiple pizza books and have been meaning to try a Sicilian and Detroit style.  Yours is telling me it's time to take a break from my diet and dive in.  I have to take my OONI out of the garage and start making pizza again.  

This looks fantastic.


Baked in a 9X14 cookie sheet. It was a lot of dough for that size sheet. Next time I would par-baked on parchment plenty of oil to pan fry in. 15 minutes. Then cooled all the way down toppings pizza  sauce and cheese. 15 more minutes. Oven temperature was 475°F. Next time I would lower oven temperature to 450° F 12 minutes each bake.


400 g Sir Laneolot 

100 g extra fancy Durum wheat. ( General Mills) Alas unless you can find an Italian specialty shop that repacks it. It is only available in 50 LBS. 

 Hey wait, Island 66. If your near Jericho Turnpike, Sansone foods. Repacked flour, Stanaslus tomatos and Grande cheese! They were my go too when I was in NY. 

Profile picture for user trailrunner

It's exactly how I have been doing my pizzas for quite awhile now. The crust is thick but SO light. I do the " butter thing" on my Detroit pans as everyone here knows how I love the Pullman buttered pans :) It definitely " fries" the crust. My grands don't care for the really thick crust so much but I came up with the best solution. 

I prebake the really thick focaccia style crust . I then freeze these extra crusts wrapped tightly. When we want homemade pizza I simply thaw and top and bake. But for the kiddos I cut one of the big rectangles in 8 smaller rectangles and while still slightly frozen I slice thickness wise to make two thinner crusts. I then brush the cut sides with EVOO and place under the broiler to crisp. I then place them crisped side up and let the kids top their " individual pizzas" however they want and put them in the oven on the rack with a pan on the lower rack to catch errant drippings. It only takes a couple minutes to slice and crisp and everyone loves having their " own" creation. 

Your pizzas are always amazing. I love a prebaked crust with some sauce on it before prebake . c

 Thanks, C!

I like doing two at a time. Even with all the oil the first bake stuck terribly. So bad the whole bake was almost a failure. My larger pans are well seasoned. For this smaller his & hers size I will line with parchment.