Experimental formula
100% Strong Flour 240 g
100% Water 240 g
1.2% Instant Yeast. 3 g
1.8% Salt 4.5 g
Sugar 3 ts
Olive oil 2 TBS
Unsalted butter 1 TBS
Decorative inclusions
Black olives
Sun dried tomatoes
Bell peppers
jalapeños peppers

The untouched bulk fermentation

The Final Proofing
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That's beautiful, Will. Hope it tastes as good as it looks :)
The best focaccia I have made to date! Thanks for your kind words!
Was at the big farmers market here in Tucson and there was a Maltese baker! Thought immediately of you. His pastries on his house made filo were delicious. I gave him your TFL link .

Now I have an excuse to venture south to Tucson, mount Lemon and beyond!
My mom made the best pastizzi! My sister Chetty is now the family pastizzi master. Did the Barrio baker (Don) have a booth? Or I bet he is to big for markets now. Did you know he is expanding north again to Gilbert! He is taking over a closed Sonic. Drive though pizza and bagels!
Is my mom's ( the Maltese method ) regarding the flaky pastry. Instead of the traditional encasing of butter, method then letter folding. This method was to stretch the dough paper thin, then smearing vegetable shorting and butter, on the dough then rolling cigar style. After that a series of letter folds. The fat can be either butter, shorting or a combination. Mom used a combination.
Will F.
I'm going to look it up and see about trying it when I get home. I'm still trying to find tepary beans etc from the native group here. I know it can be mailordered and it is I believe at the local huge food coop store. I need to get there before we leave.
Most are amateur. Painful to watch. Long... Painful. That being said good information. Look for Tony and Rose. He is a pretty good teacher. Sadly he lost his life partner not that very long ago.
Thank you. c
Barrio was there I’m almost sure! I forgot you mentioned him. Will be more aware next Sunday. We leave April 1 for home in VA. Glad you might make it down here. The market is amazing. From mushrooms to meats and everything inbetween. 🙏
You are doing Vincent van Goh with sunflours and vegetables. A masterpiece Wil!
This was a very spontaneous bake. Additionally, I switched gears in the middle of the bake. While this bake was going to be a flatbread, it did not start out to be focaccia. I was aiming to make North African fried bread. (Sfiz) As, the dough started to gain strength, I started to envision my wife yelling at me about the doctor telling me to make better food choices. Rather than actually live out my vision, I switched gears to a baked focaccia. In the end improvising every aspect, from a suitable size pan to match the dough weigh, to toppings I had on hand, made the bake successful, and fun! My wife even indulged in a slice!
Great job. Must taste amazing 🤩
It was very tender and light. This dough formula is going to be my go to N.Y. grandma pizza pie dough! I can't wait to do a test bake!
I like how it looks gardeny on the top. I think it will look good served at a garden party as finger food
I appreciate 70s, unfortunately I'm in funk/jazz/disco camp 😂
It's all about the fun! Ha! Disco! 😱