Managed this time to keep the panettone in one piece 💪 very shreddy, oven spring is still work in progress. Open crumb is far away ...
Considering that the PM was maybe a tiny bit too lactic (and I couldn't wait longer for the next try), I'm pretty happy with the structure. And again I learned a lot. Panettone must be an endless learning process.
After some time in the oven (10min???) ...
Prepared for the final 10-15min in the oven ...
First slice ...
- sparkfan's Blog
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Great bake. I'm glad this one didn't end in heartbreak.
Thanks! I’m glad too ;)
Nice progress.
It is a never ending journey lol. Literally just wrote a blog post about panettone and then baked the flattest pancakeattone in recent memory. Barely rose over the edge of the cup. My wife asked if I had made a mini loaf 🤣.
Yes, I know this moments. The primo looks great, then the final proof is a bit sketchy and in the oven the worst fears are confirmed. Afair from your blog post you are also mixing with a planetary mixer (Kenwood Chef or similar). It doesn’t make the life easier ;)
Congratulations, your panettone look marvelous! Very nice shreddable crumb you got.
Thanks, Benito! Still a long way to go ...
Sliced also the second panettone
Starting the preparations for the next try 😃
Great crumb with elastic shred, which absolutely signifies low (lactic) acidity. The cross cut looks great too. Well done!