Maybe about a week ago I was browsing sourdough info, and I saw a very nice collection of info regarding some of the science behind how our starters work. It was not youtube or any other video. I don't remember any images, either. Just text. It wasn't what I was looking for at the moment, so I intended to come back to it. Now that I want to read it, I'm really not sure where I saw it. Because of course I didn't make a bookmark or anything. I've tried google and can't figure out search terms that yield the right results.
The specific info that I wanted to come back to had feeding ratios that you could use depending on if you wanted to promote more yeast, more LAB, or more AAC, and also some of the WHY behind it. I don't care a whole lot if I find the same source again. Any info about this will be appreciated!
This short video by Karl de Smedt is one of the better explanations of SD science basics:
You might want to check out the other YouTube videos from Puratos:
I don't know if these will fully answer your questions, but they may lead you to the right info.
Thank you. I'll check it out.
You might want to check your browser history to find the item in question. My history in Edge goes back eight days and has hundreds of visited sites.
If you're interested in a deep dive, Brod & Taylor provides a write-up of the process which can be found on their website at:
Part I — How to Make Sourdough More (or Less) Sour
Part II — How to Make Sourdough More (or Less) Sour
I've used the information and methodology to make some very sour sourdough bread.
Apropos starter and levaine feeding, I was wondering where the 1:2:2 feeding ratio that is generally considered as optimal come from? Is it just an empirical rule of thumb or is it more scientific and is there a consensus as to it's efficacy or do people use other ratios to good effect?
If it works - do it - and if it doesn't - don't. Simple. Enjoy!