Portuguese Wild Yeast Sweet Potato Starter

Profile picture for user alcophile

This topic was posted on the weekly Washington Post food chat. The OP provided a link to the method and I thought it might be of interest to some here:


Hi, @alcophile, I saw your message in the Post today.  That probably means you live in the same general area as I do. It's hard to know where familiar TFL members live, isn't it?


I had a great time reading their research. Excellent!! I’ve got all the data and look forward to trying this as soon as I get back home in May. I’ve been meaning to do a wild yeast water with organic grapes and shall ignore Silverton’s crazy formula which has excessive amounts and is unnecessary. I have always used fresh orange peel in my YW to improve its longevity and their idea of using Fruit Fresh is brilliant! Don’t know why I didn’t think of it but will do so from now on. 

Of to see about these WAPO articles and investigate the past ones. Thank you for this very informative link. c