Forkish EIB Style Pain de Campagne. Finalized rendition.

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Enjoy my finalized rendition of Ken Forkish's Pain de Campagne. 

Significant changes


1. Formula hydration was lowered a significant 7 percentage points.


2. Flour composition was changed to include slightly more, and different whole grains


3. The yield was increased to achieve four rustic hearth loaves at 480g ea. 



4. One aggressive on the bench letter fold replaced the last stretch/fold.

Pain de Campagne (Country Bread)

 Finalized formula

Inspired by: Forkish, EIB

Total Formula

Flour - 1100g - 100% (includes prefermented Flour)

Water - 800g - 73% (Includes water from levian)

Levian - 440g - 40% * At 100% Hydration 

Sea Salt - 22g - 2%


Final Dough

Artisan Bread flour - 630g -  57%

Einkorn Whole wheat - 120g - 11%

Tibetan Purple Barley - 65g -  5.9%

Gazelle Whole Rye - 65g - 5.9%

Filtered Water 580g 

Levian AP Flour - 440g (Mother 60g, 30g Rye/30g, AP)

Sea Salt 22g 



Total Dough 1922g

Four at 480g


Phase 1 Levian

Three stage build

Phase 2 Fermentolyse 




Twenty minutes at room temperature (73°F)

Phase 3 Mix


The salt was poured evenly on top of the fermentolyse mixture during Phase 2

Fold and pinch the salt into the dough until a very shaggy cohesive dough is achieved.

Phase 4 hands on gluten development/fermentation.

After resting the dough for thirty minutes the first of 2 sets of in the bowl stretch/folds is preformed.

At sixty minutes the second set stretch/fold in the bowl. At ninety minutes an aggressive on the wet bench letter fold is performed. 

Phase 5 Undisturbed fermentation

Room temperature in bulk fermentation to a volume increase of 100% (At 73°F this took four hours)

Phase 6 divide, preshaping. 

After the division, the four equal weight dough balls are lightly shaped into balls. Minimal to no extra bench flour should be used.

Phase 7 shape

Using just enough bench flour as needed to not damage the dough, shape two Boules & two Batards.

Phase 8 cold proofing

The well shaped bannaton incased flegling rustic breads at cold proofed overnight ten to twelve hours. My proofer is at 36°F

Phase 9

The bake

45 Minutes before bake off, pre heat to 550F. Immediately before baking slash, load, and add steam. Lower oven temperature to 475°F bake 15 minutes. Rotate racks high to low and front to back. Bake an additional 15: minutes or until the rich shade of brown is achieved. Rest on a rack for two hours before slicing.

: )

The photos (yours and mine) show the difference in the appearance of the crust between using a banneton and proofing free-standing. Interesting.

The photo attached is confirmation that the tweaks I made accomplished the intended goals.

1. Less horizontal spread

2. More vertical lift

3. Better scoring medium

I already gifted the better looking two of the four. The batard doesn't fit back into the bannaton at all. The boule fits in with plenty of rise. 

Compared to last week's 600+g Bread, these 480g breads exhibit much more vertical lift instead of sideways flop. It is very heartening, without being bragousus,

that I was able to achieve all of my goals. While maintaining an identical crumb structure. 

Mr. Forkish states that his high hydration formulas yield bread with exceptional shelf life. I am not sure how I feel about this asirtion. 


Shelf life .... here's how I've been storing my loaves lately.  Stand them on end, cut side down.  That's it.  No foil wrapping, no packaging.  Depending on the kind of bread, they are good for two days, usually three, once in a while more.  I had a moist soda bread that lasted 5 days standing on end.  If there's any left after that time I will bag them in a zip-lock bag, which of course ruins the crust but the crust has started to get too thick and hard by then anyway.