While shaping my loaves this afternoon, I had The Black Eyed Peas' song "Let's Get Retarded" running through my head, only the lyrics had been changed to "Let's Get Batarded." Which got me thinking some of the bad bread puns we used to make at the bakery, as well mottos I've seen at bakeries.
- I really knead the dough" - said on pay day.
- "I give good bread" - slightly off-color, but funny nevertheless.
- Flour Power!
- "Stop loafing around and get over here"
- "This is a crumb-y place to work."
- "Uh oh. I fear something has gone a-rye."
- "C'mon! Let's roll!"
- "My favorite movie? The Yeastmaster."
Any others come to mind?
is titled,
"The Bake of the Dough is in the Proofing."
does that count?
and can we proudly call TFL a crumby site that's full of hot air and has plenty of crust?
have I gotten a rise out of anyone?
Stan Ginsberg
You could have just left it as "Let's Get Retarded", as in leaving the dough in the refrigerator overnight. The other evening I asked my husband if I had to call the dough that was left in the refrigerator overnight "Special Needs Dough".
I think that would be the politically correct term, along with "gravitationally challenged" and "developmentally disabled."
"I’ve bean waiting for you my whole loaf."
"Coming up with bread puns is a pan in the buns."
I just want to thank you, arma411, for adding these bread puns to a thread that is more than a decade old.
Anyways, here are a few:
- Last, but not yeast! (for unleavened bread)
- Wheat a second, are you se-rye-ous about this?
- One thing you gotta ask yourself is, "do I feel crusty?" Well, do ya, punk?
Thanks Floyd. Even though, after so many years, the crux of bread puns remained the same.
Still, here are a few my me.
1. I loaf you very much
2. I knead you to be my friend
3. He's toast if he doesn't apologize
4. Don't be such a sourdough
I've created these using this Pun Generator.
Arrgh! Good one!