I've been making Jewish rye-style bread with 30% rye and 70% first clear flour @ 90% hydration. The recipe worked so well that I thought it might be interesting to increase the rye percentage to 40% and the hydration to 100%.
Shockingly it produced a very phenomenal sandwich loaf.
the ingredients were as follows:
40g Fermented Red Rye
1 teaspoon of starter
300g of First Clear flour
260g Whole rye flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp quick yeast.
35g Whole grain rye CLAS
469g water.
The night before, I mixed the First clear flour, starter and 300g of water until all the flour was wet. I then covered it and left it in my 60F basement.
In the AM, I mixed the remaining water, CLAS and Fermented Red Rye together in a saucepan and gently heated until the starches gelatinized (around 150 degrees)
Once it had cooled below 118F I added it, and the yeast to the overnight dough along with 210g of the rye flour.
I started the mixer. I then added the salt and some spices (in this case 1/2 tsp black cumin and 1/2 tsp cardamon) to the remaining 50g of whole rye flour. I mixed it well and added it to the dough as it was mixing.
It took about 6 minutes for it to start pulling away from the sides (not completely, but I could see that the gluten was fully formed and was able to make sticky window panes.)
I emptied the dough bowl into a well floured dough board, shaped it into a ball and placed in into my proofing container for a little over an hour to double in about 88F oven.
Once doubled, I stretched it out like pizza dough on the well-floured board, tri-folded it, and then rolled it up into a ball before placing the ball into a bread pan.
Back into the proofing oven for another 30 minutes before removing it from the oven so I could preheat the oven to 415F then cooking for about 40-45 minutes.
The dough might have been firm enough to keep its shape without putting it into the bread pan, maybe next time I'll give that a try.
Anybody out there bake bread at 100% hydration?
I've done that recently making soda bread. One recipe uses 120% hydration. Generally speaking, I've been learning that these pasty doughs you can get with a high percentage of whole grains or rye can work well with a surprisingly high water content.
Here's a loaf of mine that I *think* got up to 100%, but it's a little hard to be sure because of tinkering with the water to cook the porridge, etc:
That's a really nice looking loaf, I'll have to give that a try!.
108% BTW, I did the math ;0)
Made similarly to the rye. My first attempt failed, but. second is light and tasty..