rusbrot's Thermophi-SD Starter w/Zoji BM

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It takes only 55 g of rusbrot's Thermophilic-SD starter to produce a 100% whole grain (freshly milled)  loaf of bread based on 500 g of flour. Note that the suggested amount is 100-120 gr of starter.

The bread pan is WINCO's square steamer (7x6.5x3.875 in3). It fits perfectly in the Zojirushi. (Ending Dough Temp-205F)

Making a loaf takes only 4.5 hr from assembling ingredients and milling to a loaf out of the Zoji! This loaf includes solod that is scalded and cooled prior to mixing the main dough.

The slices will be nice and wide- perfect for those who love to cut a sandwich in half before eating it. :)

The foodgeek recipe is here.  (The 12 gr of AP flour due to a mistake in my water measurement; the old dough ball is optional- I just had a leftover piece).

Thermophilic Sourdough Starter (400% hydration) takes only 24 hr.

In a jar, mix

40 gr  crushed diastatic rye malt (I mill the whole rye malt berries from a hobbyist brew supplier)

10-15  gr of solod (fermented red rye malt; get the real thing!)

200 g water (60C)

Hold this in a water bath at 50-53C for 24-30H. 

You don't have to put plastic film over the surface as the YT shows. Just shake the contents of the bottle every few hours.

(1/17/24  Edit-   Note comments below on size of jar- choose a jar with limited airspace above solution surface  or use the  plastic film as suggested in the YT. The mixture did not overflow the jar over the 24-30 h process.)

See it done here.



If you are not sealing the solution don't put it in a jar that is too big. I recently ruined a batch starting it in a quart mason jar. The extra air gets in the way of the anerobic activity. As mentioned in the video, Solod adds acidity, you won't get that from red rye malt - you won't get the dark chocolate flavor either. 

Fermented red rye malt is the same as solod. Actually, the word solod literally means "malt", and "red rye malt" is a specific subtype, sometimes just referred to in Russian as "red solod".

While I don't speak Russian, I do know that anything other than fermented red rye malt will not give the same results, and every place I've ever purchased it from called it Solod, but you are right of course, a search for fermented red rye malt will take you to the right place too.

Thanks for the correction about the plastic film on the surface of the mixture while fermenting to get TH-SD. I thought it was mainly to prevent mold and that shaking the jar would be an alternative way to fix that.

I have made 2 batches in a jar with airspace on top. The last one went for 30 h. I neglected to take a pH reading on the last batch though I did on the first (pH seemed about right).

I will have to watch the video again. Thanks for the pointers!

I didn't mean to say there can't be any air. My last batch was done in Pint jars with about an inch or so of head space and it worked fine. The quart jars had over 3 or 4 inches of head space and that turned out to be too much.

It looks like stainless pans work well with the Zo, slowing down heat transfer so the top browns the same.


Thank you for your kind remarks!

I think some of  the rounded color came from the addition of scalded solod (fermented red rye malt) though I did coat the tops with the usual milk powder/milk  mixture.

I think Winco steam pans are aluminum.