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i came across this sourdough making website and was very excited, using butter milk /milk kefir. But towards the end of my reading it says if the bread does not rise add Yeast - commercial .
Am trying to avoid adding commercial yeast.
Any of TFL members tried this or made SD starter with milk kefir or yogurt/buttermilk.
I like using the ingredients mentioned, except the yeast part.
Thank you for reading my post
Kefir can be used as a starter but it has to be kefir made from 'grains'! Not kefir made with kefir 'cultures'. There's a difference.
I’ve made @txfarmer’s Sourdough White Sandwich Bread a number of times this year. Lately I’ve been using buttermilk instead of her specified whole milk. Works great, though I was initially nervous about having dairy at room temperature for the 36 hours I use to build the levain.
Starter Buttermilk Flour
Gen 1 10 19 19 12 hours at room temp
Gen 2 Gen 1 15 45 12 hours at room temp
Gen 3 Gen 2 57 71 12 hours at room temp
Sorry about the weird numbers. I was scaling @txfarmer’s formula to yield 3 loaves, so was shooting for 240-ish g of 68% hydration levain…more like a biga than the 100% hydration liquid levains I mostly use.
But yes, buttermilk works here and for the rest of the recipe liquid. Final proof has been from 5-7 hours! We love this bread which I think of as white brioche, though light on the butter.
Here's a kefir bread of mine:
Need to try one again (only with kefir), you've reminded me of how lovely it was!
Thankyou very much for the links Abe, foodforthought, JonJ and all your kind responses, will give the recipes a try. Appreciate all your kind help
Please need your help...
made bread with milk kefir, when i mixed all the ingredients it seem to rise but when i put the bread in the oven is was just flat - i did eat i though
not sure why anyway i requested for help with making rolls on another post
thank you for all the help - not sure where i went wrong.
Did you make a starter/levain? It needs some time to activate first and can then be used as a starter/levain. In the link I sent you mix the kefir and flour then leave it till active before using in the final dough. Just like prepping a starter before using by feeding it and allowing to mature. If done this way it works very well.
Was the kefir made from kefir grains?
EDIT: If you have only used yeast till now and have jumped into "sourdough" by making a quick starter with kefir then you might not be used to the timings and procedures.
Thank you Abe,
I did make it using milk kefir, and am comfortable using milk kefir very easy as such first attempt on making bread
I did all the feeding and it was very active very nicely and i also made a little SD starter out of the kefir even that worked very well and was active very well.
And when i mixed the flour it had risen then i kneaded it and let it rise again, but thereafter a slow rise.
the bread had become like a biscotte
Am struggling with this sd or milk kefir for health reasons, otherwise i would just purchase store bought ones
Thank you very much i did use multi grain flour not sure if because of it or not
Very grateful for all your help
I've made a standard sourdough-with-AP using buttermilk for the liquid. It made a lovely soft dough and baked into an excellent free-standing hearth loaf. I adapted it from this link -
Thank you very much TomP is it possible to make it with Multigrain flour?
I have not tried but I don't see why it wouldn't work well.
Just to be clear, when I say "buttermilk" I mean the cultured product that is sold in the US. My buttermilk was a full-fat variety made by a local company, rather than a product sold in a supermarket. I'm sure the supermarket variety would do just fine, too.
Thank you very much tpassin for the link - the recipe seems very simple will try it with multigrain flour. We do have here buttermilk with different ranges of M/F
thank you again for the recipe
Please let us know how it turns out.
Thank you tpassin looking forward to making it, will let You and TFL community of helpers know
Hi tpassin i did make the bread rolls but it never rose and they were very sour
no problem i thank you very much for all your help
thank you again
Sorry it didn't work better. I don't have any idea why. Maybe the buttermilk was very different from what I used.
no problem will try again i am amidst moving - thank you very much