Garlic s/d

Profile picture for user yozzause

My 1st S/D bread using my new mixer  its a 15% Garlic granules   8 hours bulk and overnight retard in the fridge 






i absolutely love it Benny, i have it outside on a back verandah it is covered, i unfortunately have a very small kitchen so there is no room there. i cant get out and start an early morning dough and up set my neighbour but i couldn't really do that with my other mixer in the house either for fear of  waking and upsetting my wife.  The biggest advantage is its capacity and great mixing action. i will now have to consider mixer friction especially once the warmer weather arrives,

I'm anticipating another run for it after my living longer living stronger exercise class this morning. just got to decide what dough to make  probably do something with the Lupin flour as i have quite a bit to play with, and everyone seems to like it.Thinking maybe a lupin date & sunflower seed  loaf. or  an Orange Lupin  sunflower and poppy seed loaf~

Better get started on the formula!

kind regards Derek

These both look great and I love the custard crumb.  All you need is some good EVO and cheese 😀