Does fridging a starter change its microbiology?

Profile picture for user ideal2545

I've had a starter I've maintained for nearly 5 years on a countertop, feeding it everyday to other day for those years. Lately my baking has slowed to once a week and I'm starting to think that I should fridge it between bakes. My issue is, i really love my starter, its absolutely perfect as it is right now, whatever colony and combination of yeast/bacteria in it has been honed in for my needs well. I'm worried that by fridging my starter there may be a change to the colony that could affect it.


Anyways, just wanted to know your thoughts!



I have no idea if the microbiology has changed, but my experience is that my 100% rye starter, which was kept on the counter and fed every day for 2 years, is so so so much happier being fed 1:5:5 every so often and kept in the fridge, and my breads have been coming out better.


Profile picture for user rondayvous

Yes. Putting a starter that has been kept on a countertop for several years, then keeping it in the fridge with change the microbiome.