Clay Cloche Baker

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It was recommended that I consider getting a clay cloche style bread baker, and I'm looking at this one. When working with the Dutch oven I was told to remove the lid after the first twenty minutes, and this has been excellent advice. So my question with the clay cloche is should I do the same or leave it on for the entire baking time? I am also assuming that it will be a shorter baking time than the big round loaf due to the oblong shape. Suggestions on that? When I bake the round loaves the total time has been 50 minutes. Thanks.

First, yes, a clay cloche will work like a DO,  lid on part ways to encourage oven spring, lid off partways to allow for browings.  As to timing, yes, it will be a shorter time to cook because the heat is coming from the outside of the loaf towards the center, and for a big round loaf, that will be further than a long oblong loaf - like a baguette.  I don't know if there is a way to directly calculate it,  so I would just check the breadtopia site to see if he has a recipe, if not ,  try reducing time to 30, and check along to way to see if done.  If not, go longer.  My general rule is covered for 1/3 lid off for 2/3rd,  

I usually make 750 gr loaves. I leave the lid on for 30 minutes and then take it off until I like the colour. I usually do it in my toaster oven (on convection). Works as well as a DO but I like the shape better 



I have a different brand, but I concur, use like a DO. I leave mine covered for 25 to 30 minutes. Then, depending on the hydration of the dough, I either remove the cover, or the bread (I cook with parchment and use the parchment to lift the bread out of the baker) and bake till done. (my general rule on done is wait till it looks done and cook 5 minutes longer ;0o

Appreciate the tips. I will be using the same recipe I've used for the round loaves, and what I think I will end up doing is checking the temp after I take the lid off. The rule I've been following is 20 minutes with lid on, 20 with lid off and check temp and if it's below 205F/95C put the lid back on for another ten minutes. This has been a good measure for the round loaves. So checking the temp on a long loaf might see the bread in the 205F ballpark. We'll see what happens. Now to get that cloche baker and the banneton to make one large oblong loaf (I have two small ones but those aren't going to work for this).