Hi, there. I am moving from dry Colorado mountains to the upper Great Lakes region. Have been using Hungarian High Altitude Flour in Colorado due to the dry climate, but am wondering what brand is favored by those of you in more humid or damp environments. Thanks!
Any flour works in the upper midwest. KA All Purpose white unbleached, also whole wheat. Whole rye from Breadtopia does well. No issues or restrictions with flour. You may find dough overhydrated on muggy days but that is a minor adjustment.
Upper midwest resident here.
Depending on your elevation (altitude above sea level) in MI, you may need to "undo" your elevation adjustments that you used baking high up in the Rockies.
I've used King Arthur AP, bread, organic medium rye, whole wheat, and white whole wheat; Breadtopia and Country Life Natural Foods whole rye; and, Wheat Montana Prairie Gold whole wheat flour.
I doubt the flours will be a problem, but you may find the winter indoor humidity is as low as in the Colorado mountains.