100% rye sour dough bread under baked


What makes the crumb in 100% rye bread not soggy or under baked? Mine comes out not too soggy...but somewhat moist. This only happens with 100% rye bread. I bake it for about an hour, use the Bertinet 100% rye sour dough from his Crumb Book. 

By the way the bread comes out delicious..but I usually put it in a toaster after I cut it...as I feel it's somewhat raw. I dunno.


I am using the Bertinet 100% rye sourdough bread from his crumb book. Basically this is the only bread of his that I had this many issues. Baked a TON of his breads and all came out perfect. 

1st issue bread didn't rise. I think that was my fault...due to not properly cooling the starter before I used it. Anyhow to resolve this I actually tried using some yeast and boy did the bread rise. I also baked it for about an hour rather than the 45 minutes that were recommended.

I bake on granite slabs. 



How long are you waiting before you slice it?  As you know if you slice it too early it will be gummy.  Many people will wait for 24 hour or more for a 100% rye bread before they slice it.


I second all the wise comments here. But just to add that you haven't revealed what temperature you are baking at. High %age ryes respond well to high heat at the start ... and this can be stepped down if the crust starts to singe. Even so, I often find they need quite a bit more time in the oven than the recipes specify if they are to have a taut drum sound when I tap the bottom.



I think we need more details, but as Yippee indicated above, acidity is crucial for rye bread, and if you just raised it quickly with yeast with little sourdough fermentation, you have no chance of getting rye bread with good crumb structure.