Matcha bread?

Profile picture for user BCbreadbaker

Hi there! So I got gifted a big bag of matcha green tea powder. Super nice gift, but I am a diehard coffee drinker and just don't think I will make it through this bag of matcha powder. Curious if anyone has ever added matcha powder into bread? There are a bunch of recipes online but hard to tell what is a solid recipe, so thought I'd ask here. Thanks in advance for any suggestions :) 

Yes as Dave indicated I’ve used matcha in various bakes and treats.  I particularly like it in milk breads and you can be quite creative and pair it with other flavours of your choice.  In milk breads the tannins of the matcha will be softened by the dairy and a bit of sugar.

I’ve also used it in a babka if you’d like something more decadent.

Although it isn’t bread I’ve also made Daifuku mochi with matcha.


I made a marble matcha loaf a while back. I thought it turned out pretty good. The nice deep green color of the matcha may cook out a bit.

Awesome, thanks to all of you for sharing those ideas. Looking forward to digging through the recipes you suggested this weekend and picking one :)