I made a dough using some of the home milled Red Wheat @ 50% along with a good bakers flour and a bottle of Porter when i was having a baking day with my daughter and her friend Lilly. They came out rather well and i was very impressed with my daughter's oven that gave a nice crusty bake!
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You have reminded me of what I encountered with some South African woodworkers while I lived there. They had these exotic-to-me, normal-to-them woods like purple heart, stinkwood, yellow wood, jacaranda, and others. What had them excited, though, were exotic-to-them, normal-to-me woods like black walnut, black cherry, maple, and others.
Red wheat here in the U.S. is as ubiquitous as white wheat is in Australia. One man's normal is another man's exotic. I'm glad you get to enjoy with the red wheat, just like we've been able to enjoy the white wheat in recent years.
It is quite interesting to see the red wheat through your eyes like Paul said Derek. For us in North American it really is just wheat, while white wheat to me seems exotic. Nice to see how well you are able to bake with it.
My understanding (and I could be wrong about this) is that our North American Red Wheat came from Ukraine and was brought to the USA and Canada by Mennonite farmers who came after the American Civil War. They settle in the Dakotas and Canada because they could find the farmland and because the farmland was similar to the farmland back in Ukraine. They left Ukraine because they were passivists and were being force into the Czar's army. They had moved to Ukraine in the 1600's and 1700's from Germany at the same time my father's Mennonite family came to Pennsylvania.
Hi De, The thing that i have found interesting is the constant development taking place in wheat varieties with new ones being made available and older varieties being withdrawn.The other thing that i found facinating was the royalty system that goes back to the breeders and developers of the new varieties.
Here is an interesting link on that subject
Kind regards Derek
Thanks for your comments guys i have learned more about wheat in the last few months than i have in my lifetime, i am also getting a new appreciation for what is the base ingredient for our breads. Also the experience of following up the red Wheat story through our TFL members Gavin, JonJ and Debra Wink and the article in Farm Weekly and actually meeting the farmer and even now following up on the wheat breeding is all good fun.
The RGT Accroc is a wheat developed in France i have a brochure that was given to me that is in French so perhaps a TFL member might like to translate it for us please.
Hi Derek,
Thank you for your email, Yes RGT Accroc producers a very good quality flour and is commonly used for milling in France. I have sent an email to our breeders to get some more information on its Gluten content.
I have a French brochure here but it has no details on Gluten level (and my French is really average).
As soon as I get the information back I will forward it onto you.
Look forward to talking soon.
i have attached a link for those interested in Australian wheat classification
kind regards Derek