Very nice bread, completed from converting the wheat sourdough starter to an active rye starter to out of the oven in less than 12 hours. The bread is soft and mildly sweet. The perfect vehicle for a nice spreadable butter, low lighting, and conversation! The flour makeup for this bake (for all intents and purposes) checks all the boxes for the C.B. clocking in at 48.3% whole stone-ground rye.
I started in the morning at 10:00 AM by feeding my already freshly, refreshed wheat liquid starter 1:1 with half AP flour and half rye. After four hours and a good rise, I fed the hybrid starter at 100% hydration with 100% rye flour. After three hours I could notice only very little activity. to my great relief, at the 3.5-hour mark the now (for all intents and purposes) 100% rye starter had doubled!
In truth, one could use a rye discard starter since there is plenty of commercial yeast to provide lift! (Which was achieved nicely!)
Please enjoy the pictorial record of my interpretation of what a before-dinner bread should look & taste like. Please feel free to share your true thoughts both good and critical. Additionally please feel free to use and share the formula freely! This formula here is the final draft and includes all the ingredients and steps used. The post in the C.B. discussion is the work in progress rough draft.
- The Roadside Pie King's Blog
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Very cool loafs with a 3D crumb. Love all the pics. Can't wait to do my first pan loaf soon. Thanks.
Very nice! Must taste and smell great
These look great Will, you must be so pleased.
Steakhouse Rye has a Heinz 57 list of interesting flavor additions in the recipe but no mention of the lawn clippings on top;-)
If Memory serves, it was caraway seeds.
I felt the need to do some baking between a couple weeks with little free time. Something that could be made in a day sounded just right. I followed the recipe except for the shaping (I’ll use a Pullman pan at any opportunity). Haven’t cut into it yet but it looks very tempting. Thank you for the formula!
Over here at casa Falzon, we already polished off one loaf! Your bread looks amazeballs! Did you start by converting a white sourdough to rye? I feel like a proud fist time dad that you made my formula and nailed it on the first try! Please share the crumb reveal here as well, won't you?
On a related topic, I spent my evening tonight researching the glory days of N.Y. deli rye bread and the sad ultimate demise. What I turned up is a very interesting technic that was invented in Detroit Michigan! I was about to jump over to the rye C.B. and ask the bread aficionados what they know of this process that is akin to bread-making voodoo! I hope to see you there! So happy you liked my formula!
I do keep a little bit of rye starter, but it mostly lives in the fridge and is taken out and fed on the weekends.
I cut a little bit off the end of the loaf. Unfortunately I can’t say I’ve ever had a steakhouse pumpernickel, so I don’t have a frame of reference. But I like the taste and texture!
Nice job following my amateur convoluted formula! A Pullman pan is one baking tool I never felt a need for. Until now.