I’ve searched a bit around, but not found quite what I’m looking for.
Sometimes we find ourselves without bread for next morning and make a dough with IDY that is just mixed, sat overnight, divided and baked.
I want to do the same with sourdough, but unsure how to approach it. Ideally, I should probably make the dough earlier in the evening and do some stretching before letting it proof overnight on the counter or in the fridge, but I want a method where I can start an hour before bedtime and be able to bake them first thing next morning once the oven is warm.
It has to be in room temp, but should I divide and shape in the evening or next day? My attempts so far has been to divide in the morning, but this comes at a cost and the balls haven’t prooved…proofed…proved…(you get it :) ) under tension. On one attempt the dough was very well proved and gave a decent finished interior, though a bit dense. Another attempt was more doughy.
What if I mixed the dough, gave it two S&F before balling an hour after mix, let them sit at room temp and just put straight into the oven the next day? Assuming I find the correct amount of SD of course.
There is nothing fancy in the rolls. Just flour, water, starter and salt like an ordinary bread.
You can follow this method. Just start it an hour or two before bed and get in a fold after gluten development. Let sit overnight. A fold or two in the morning before shaping. Skip the cold retard.
Thanks, but that’s a loaf in a banneton.
I want to make rolls of about 100g a piece and I don’t have a bunch of small bannetons that would fit.
Understood. I should have clarified. It was more around your question of finding the right amount of SD and if an overnight bulk could work. 😉