Adding barley malt

Profile picture for user Yippee

A yeasted bagel recipe calls for a small amount of it. I wonder what it's for? Do I need it if I have CLAS in the formula?



I can't speak to the CLAS portion of the question, Yippee.

If you use a malted flour, then diastatic malt wouldn’t be needed in the dough.  If you use an unmalted flour, then some diastatic malt would improve the bagels' color as they bake.  Since bagels aren’t usually sweetened, I’d elect to not use non-diastatic malt in the dough. 

Malt syrup in the boil will give the bagels additional color and sheen as they bake.  

Hope this helps.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply!

I will be using fresh flour so it's unmalted. I wonder if rye malt can improve the color as well. If so, I don't have to keep a bag of barley malt at home.

