I've been feeding a starter daily for about three weeks. It is finally at the point of doubling overnight and passed a float test for the first time this morning. However, in the meantime, I've been keeping a quart jar that I've been pitching the not-quite-ripe throwaway in each morning. I empty it into the compost every 4 or 5 days, but don't wash it out, so lots of residue is left on the sides and bottom each time. I noticed the pitch quart getting supper active, smelled pretty nasty (beyond sour, a grey, sweaty, barren smell) but then I smelled it again at about ten days, foamy, bubbly, and it smelled delightful - sour, but milky, creamy, youthful. So, as I waited on my main starter to kick into gear, I took a pinch from the pitch quart and fed it with fresh flour and water and have been doing so for a couple of days and it is performing beautifully, peaking at about the 12-hr mark, active, sour smelling but healthy. This is a good thing right? I should be happy and put this pitch-born starter to use? Or is there something to worry about if I pulled from a pitch quart that had been going for 2-3 weeks without cleaning or fresh feeding (though, granting it was receiving pre-peak-throwaway on a daily basis and getting most of its contents dumped every 4 days or so). Thanks for any wisdom!
If it looks like a starter, smells like a starter and behaves like a starter... then it's a starter. As long as all traces of off smells are gone and there is no mould (in particular reddish/pinkish mould which one should be very wary of and if there is any then it's definitely no good) then go for it.
Cheers, Abe. Thank you for the insights.
I don't overproduce starter, I feed only when I need some the next day. Starter can stay in the fridge for month without feeding.
If your starter smelled "milky" I presume the water content is well under 100% - that is something you want!
Sweet. Thanks for your response. Will you say a bit more about your method - so you keep it rolling in the fridge and then when you need some the next day, what happens next? You take a portion of whats in the fridge, feed it and that is your leaven? Whatever detail your willing to share I'd appreciate it! This is interesting.
Keep a few grams (10-20g or so is enough).
Feed it so you have enough for your recipe with a bit left over. Allow it to mature and return the 10-20g excess back to the fridge after you have taken off what you need.
For a healthy starter that makes tasty loaves then best to feed it at least once a week even if you aren't baking. This will build a little excess but you don't have to go crazy. Just enough to keep it happy.
So instead of building a lot, which is typical for a recipe, give it a smaller feed so you don't end up wasting too much starter. In case you decide to take a few weeks off then a feed might look like...
20g starter
20g water
20g flour
Left to mature for 4-6 hours until active and then refrigerated. Then when you're ready to bake again go back to the original feeding schedule.
P.s. There's no one correct starter maintenance. Whatever works for you is the best way.