Came across an excellent YouTube Channel and accompanying website which I think you'll enjoy. Talented baker with wonderful recipes and really informative. Enjoy!
And A Sample Video:
Came across an excellent YouTube Channel and accompanying website which I think you'll enjoy. Talented baker with wonderful recipes and really informative. Enjoy!
And A Sample Video:
Thanks for sharing, Abe. I took a quick look around, and watched his Challah video. Well done, and I will explore more for sure!
Looking forward to seeing some of your bakes.
Interesting site. I am enjoying his overall simple approach. Thanks for this!
I can't get crumpets here and my past efforts to make them didn't come out as hoped for. I may give his a try.
But those crumpets look perfect! He purposefully makes the outside of the crumpet without holes but the inside crumb is spot on. Glad i've helped you find a good recipe.
Very nicely produced videos, thanks for sharing his account Abe.
for someone, like me, who doesn't wish to make a whole loaf. They do look very well done in deed. Glad you like it Benny.