I was very taken with HungryShots/Denisa's recent blog post on her 40% spelt SD loaf and her excellent description of the evolution of her Mk IV version.
So when I found a bag of Doves Farm white spelt flour in a local shop, I thought it was time to give it a try.
Denisa had done all the hard work, so I changed very little:
- 10% stiff levain
- 35% white spelt/5% wholemeal spelt
- hearth baked batardes insead of dutch oven boules
- 4 folds - I skipped the lamination - too intricate for me! In fact 4 folds is 3 more than I usually do.
- no preshape and stitch shaped
For pH watchers, pHs were once again much higher than the "norms" - 4.60 at the end of bulk (70% rise) and 4.20 at bake. Dough pH continues to be problematic for me as a determinant.
I'm happy with the end result - good rise, good ears and very tasty bread! Thank you Denisa!
- albacore's Blog
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That’s a lovely loaf. I’ve never used white spelt. Is it just sifted more to remove bran? Can I make my own? Thanks . c
Thank you Caroline. The white spelt I used doesn't say it's stoneground, so it's probably roller milled. Even so, I reckon if you put your whole grain spelt through a #40 or #50 sieve, you'd get a good result. Just make sure to use a strong bread flour with it to give a good rise.
I’m currently out of almost all whole grains but whole wheat. I purposely wanted to clear out inventory. I shall be ordering grains soon for winter baking. Love Hungry Shots video!
The great thing about grains is that they have a very good shelf life.
I try and resist random impulsive buys of bags of flour when I chance upon something interesting - but usually fail!
I was working my way down through the entire larder and then I was " t65"ed. I got 12kg !! It is already 1/3 gone with no more in sight. I do hope the supply chain gets its links back and we can get more. I can get grains locally at our mill and they have lovely things. I mill all my own so I have to request a special order and go and pick it up as they don't pack the whole grains.
I love Breadtopia for anything they don't have locally. Happy baking and I shall post back after I get some spelt. c
I’ll have to give this one a shot if I can figure out how or where to get a sieve to turn my homemilled flour into white spelt.
Nice bake. I love the taste of spelt and you nailed this one. I make a 75% whole-spelt loaf with good success. The 25% bread flour can be replace with white spelt, I'm yet to try that though. I recommend you have a go at Hamelman's Honey Spelt bread.
Gorgeous bake Lance. I’ve only baked with whole spelt and haven’t yet tried white spelt. You achieved great oven spring and bloom with none of the spread I usually get with my spelt loaves.
I'm thinking that the 1 hour autolyse followed by 1 hour fermentolyse might be a good general method, applicable to other SD bakes.
What do you think?