need help converting fresh yeast to dry!



This recipe is for a sweet bun/roll I found on a website.  I've copied and pasted the measurements for the recipe from the site:



  • 200 gr sweetened condensed milk
  • 100 g lukewarm water
  • 100 g lukewarm milk
  • 56 g unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2 large or 3 small eggs
  • 25 gr de levadura fresca
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 kilogram (1.10 lbs) strong flour (i.e. bread flour/high gluten flour)
  • 1 egg for decoration

I basically have three questions about this recipe.  The first is how much active dry yeast would be the equivalent of 25 fresh yeast?  Using fresh yeast isn't an option because it's not available where I live.


My second question is how long and what temperature to bake this in an oven since the recipe originally calls for the use of a bread machine. I don't own a bread machine and don't have any experience using so I don't feel comfortable using one to make this. Would the preparation method for the bread be different since I'm not making it in a bread machine, or would it be the same process as making a normal yeast bread?


My third and final question is regarding the sugar content and how much to increase the yeast by.  I read that breads don't rise well if there's too much sugar, and if you add more sugar you need to increase your amount of yeast.  There is  already sugar in the sweetened condensed milk and I also plan to add between 1/2-1 cup sugar (I don't know how much I"m going to add yet, this is a guess of how much I want to add), so how much would I increase the yeast by? Please specify in grams how much I should increase the yeast by.




To convert from fresh yeast to active dry yeast, multiply the fresh quantity by 0.4. Active dry yeast must be hydrated in warm water before being incorporated into a dough. To convert from fresh yeast to instant dry yeast, multiply the fresh quantity by 0.33.  As for how much extra yeast and what to expect for rising times take a look at recipes for things like brioche and babka to get an idea of how much yeast to flour they use, what kind of rising times are to be expected and how they are baked. 

I wouldn’t add any sugar as you have enough sweetness from the condensed milk.  Also you don’t need to add more yeast because you add sugar.  I would bake them at 375 F until they are nice and brown.  Yes it’s the same as making a normal yeasted bread.

Good luck.


Thank you for taking time to respond to my post and for your input and advice. 


I'm not saying that you have to increase yeast just because you add sugar.  According to google this is what I found


A dough is considered to be sweet, or high in sugar, when it contains more than 1/2 cup of sugar for every 4 cups of flour. If the ratio of sugar to flour is more than 1/2 cup sugar to 4 cups flour, an additional packet of yeast (2 1/4 teaspoons) per recipe is needed. So according to that I don't need to add yeast when I add sugar itself it's when you add more than the recommended amount of sugar per 4 cups flour mentioned above.  If I were to add more than 1/2 cup sugar, it says I'd need to increase sugar.  THat's what I'm trying to get clarification with.

an increase of fresh yeast to cover the amount of sugar in it. Normally for 500g (half a kilo) flour, 21g is plenty of fresh yeast with up to 50g sugar.   The recipe has 24g fresh yeast and bread flour to boot. How much sugar is in the sweetened condensed milk? Mine has 55g sugar per 100g SwCon Milk so 200g has 110g sugar or a little over 20% of the flour weight.

If you have tasted the bread already and think it needs to be sweeter, decrease the salt to one teaspoon instead of increasing the sugar.  The sweetness with then come forward, 1% salt on the flour amount is plenty for sweet recipes.