Off to celebrate the Mother in Laws 92nd birthday with the family so i made some bread to share, i thought a Potato and Rosemary would be nice, and a chance to use some of the Italian flours that i have recently purchased. I started with making a sponge @ 8.30am using 300ml of recent rain water that i collected and 280 g of Molisana Farina di Grano Tenaro OO flour and just 1.25g of dried yeast which is a tiny amount, my intention was to have a really slow long fermentation as i had quite a few things to fit in.One of the grand daughters was playing in the Netball grand final at Gibson Park for 10.30 and the won by 2 points. The sponge was well bubbly some 6 and a half hours later @ 2.30, All the remaining ingredients were added. i used the LA TUA Pizza flour 400g, 13.6g salt, 27.2g butter, 68g of Potato, 6.8g of chopped fresh Rosemary and a further 107ml of water. The mixing was also quite leisurely with a number of rests and stretch and folds taking place over an hour period. it was then set aside to bulk ferment and after 4 hours it went into the fridge as is .to complete the BF overnight . In the morning the dough was taken and shaped, i elected to make a 750g loaf via a banneton proof and the remaining 450 was placed in a small baking tin these were placed in plastic bags to final proof and we were off to watch the youngest Grand daughter do a solo violin performance at Penrhos, all the students did an amazing job. When we returned home the dough was progressing well and the oven was fired up. Once the temp was up the smaller loaf tin was placed in the oven with a steaming tray for the first 15 minutes and as the tray was removed the Romertoph clay baker was put in . When it was time for the small loaf to come out the lid was removed from the Romertoph and the loaf allowed to bake out. all cooling now and will be just right in another hour or so for the gathering. if it tastes only half as good as it smells i will be very pleased PS iT WAS! 
- yozzause's Blog
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Very nice work Derek. Potato and rosemary are of great affinity and would be delicious. The loaves look terrific.
I'm envious of your freedoms as we are still in lockdown and curfew.
Thanks Gavin our Premier has done a great job with covid free community, i can't understand the protesters here in Perth on the week end as we are able to do most things except travel overseas. everything else is fine even stage the GRAND FINAL!
Gavin - their trick is not letting any of us Easterners in!
I second the sentiment though: the bread looks great. Looks a lot like the one we can get at Bourke Street Bakery over here.
Here is a link to someone who made it from the bakery's cook book, if you're interested (it's a sourdough):
(I have meant to make this myself but the thought always goes that I am unlikely to do a better job at it than them so I should focus on my own thing!)
Not quite true we did let the footballers in but quarantined them but the trick is not to let non essentials like Eddie in.
i have the Bourke st Bakery book and find it a good reference. Stay safe guys.
I'm not sure Eddie's useful, much less essential!
Those loaves look great Derek. I made a potato rosemary sourdough over a year ago and it was delicious as I’m sure yours are as well. Great minds think a like.
Thanks Benny join the AUS team!