New Very Cool Steam Injection

Profile picture for user DGoldy

This is my first post as my bread experience pales by comparison to so many contributors to the site. I feel that I really needed to share this. I have been looking for help here trying to get some guidance on how best to turn my new cheap Chinese pizza oven into a rockin' steam capable bread oven. So, after trying every conceivable trick found on this site and others ( except the pressure cooker hack)  I decided I needed to do something to make my bread making life easier and get scalded a little less often.

I searched the internet and chanced upon a site called Vevor US which sells a relatively inexpensive sauna type steam maker . Stainless Steel, Auto fill, timer and auto drain capable with a coupon I found on line $124. delivered.

I got it hooked up yesterday and the results were, after a 5 minute preheat, a full oven of steam in less than 1 minute.

Simple is better prevailed and I used an old 30A RV plug labeled "for RV use only" LOL get the 220v into the box.

I insulated the 1/2" copper pipe and ran it in through the back of the oven. No fancy drilled SS distributor pipe.

The directions say that the generator can make steam for an hour so I imagine I could have gotten away with a smaller version but the 4kw model I found on another site was actually more expensive.

I didn't look carefully enough at the details when I ordered it but this least expensive unit came with a control panel without the timer. The timer was important so I wrote them to see if I could order their other controller with timer.

If someone in the forum already did this and posted it and I didn't see it, I apologize. I'm just so excited about the results that I had to share .

This is the best work-around I could come up with and as we all know, for a home bakery, a real steam deck oven is just way too expensive.