Stir the starter to delay feeding?

Profile picture for user Heikjo

If I stir the starter after it has peaked and started to collapse, it will start rising again and can do so for several hours.

Is there any point to this? Does it make a difference to the starter if it’s stirred or not if the feed arrive at the same time later that day? Can this have a negative impact if it’s done regularly?

I feed twice a day and sometimes it peaks 4-5 hours before the usual feeding. I could feed it more to extend the time it takes to peak, but I don’t want to generate more discard than necessary. These days I typically feed it 5:15:22 (all rye). I don’t measure the seed, it’s just what’s left in the glass after I have emptied out most of it. Probably 3-5g most of the time.

Yeast cells are not mobile as in no method of propulsion what stirring will do is bring is bring fresh food to the yeast cells and therefore increased activity of course there is a limit when most of the available food is used up.